Oral History Interviews
Foland, Doug. Interviews about Juniper House. Interviewed by Ernestina Fuenmayor, September 28, 2023 &
other dates.
Doherty, Joe and Katharine (Kay) A. Gage. In-Person interview about Juniper House.
Gage, Katharine (Kay) A. In-person interview about the Juniper House. Interviewed by Ernestina Fuenmayor,
June 15, 2023.
Morrocco, Jaime. Phone Interview about Juniper House. Interviewed by Ernestina Fuenmayor, December 20,
Terrill, John. Interviewed by Cynthia Nagata and Monica Ruiz. Oregon Historical Society Research Library,
2009, 5.
Weller, Jerry. Interviewed by Libbey Austin. Oregon Historical Society Research Library, 2007.
Weyeneth, Jan. Phone interview about Juniper House. Interviewed by Ernestina Fuenmayor, October 20,
Kohl, David Grant. A Curious and Peculiar People. A History of the GLBTQ Community and the Metropolitan
Community Church. Portland, Oregon: One Spirit Press, 2016.
Askin, Timothy and Ernestina Fuenmayor. “National Register of Historic Places Inventory / North Buckman
Historic District” (Department of the Interior, National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places,
2013), 16.
Batza, Katie. “LGBTQ and Health.” Government Website. National Park Service, 2017.
Gottlieb M.S. et al. “Pneumocystis Pneumonia - Los Angeles.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (June 5,
1981). Accessed at https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/lmrk077.htm.
Graves, Donna J. and Shayne E. Watson. “Citywide Historic Context Statement for LGBTQ History in San
Francisco.” Prepared for City & County of San Francisco (March 2016), 302.
Silvis, Terry and Denise Bohbot. “National Register of Historic Places Inventory / Villa St. Rose” (Department of
the Interior, National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places, 2000), 8:7.
Newspaper Articles
“AIDS Hospice Closes Leaving Bitter Lesson.” Oregon Daily Emerald. June 23, 1989.
Barden, Renardo. “Creatures of Love. Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Condoms.” Willamette
Week. December 10, 1987. Sec. 14-22.
Danks, Holly. “Students Take Warning from AIDS Conference.” The Oregonian. n.d. Sec. D2.
Dillon, Lucinda. “Group Pursues Ambitious Plan for Big AIDS Hospice.” The Oregonian. March 6, 1989.
Ellis, Barnes C. “What’s in a Family? A Lot of Creative Commitment.” The Oregonian. November 22, 1987.
“Epitope to Buy Back Some of Its Stock.” The Oregonian. October 28, 1987. Sec. C5.
“Good Sam does AIDS presentation. Just Out. November 11, 1983. 5.
Hager, The Oregonian. October 2, 1983. S
Hopkins, Oz. “Doctors Stalk Cause of Insidious Disease.” The Sunday Oregonian. February 20, 1983. Sec. B.
———. “Portland Company Works on Test to Diagnose AIDS Infection.” The Oregonian. October 5, 1986. sec.
“Metro Notes. AIDS Death Noted.” The Oregonian. August 12, 1983. Sec. C5.
“Newsthins. AIDS Update.” Willamette Week. November 29, 1987. Sec. 6.
O’Neill, Patrick. “AIDS Cases Rare within Oregon Heterosexuals Population.” The Oregonian. December 12,
———. “Nursing Homes Not Taking Aids Victims.” The Oregonian. November 6, 1987.
———. “Programs to Help Families, Friends of Aids Patients.” The Oregonian. August 15, 1988.
O’Neill, Patrick. “A Place to Call Home.” The Sunday Oregonian. November 15, 1987. Sec. 3M - B.
Ota, Alan K. “Immune Disease Research Priority for Health Agency.” The Oregonian. February 1983. Sec. D.
Rubenstein, Sura. “Portland Churches Look Ahead to AIDS Questions.” The Oregonian. January 13, 1986.
Sec. B2.
Sura Rubenstein. “Prayers Offered for Priest.” The Oregonian. December 8, 1987. 15 and 36.
Rubenstein Sura and Carla Thompson. “St. Ignatius Parishioner Told Their Priest Is Dying of AIDS.” The
Oregonian. December 7, 1987. Sec. A1, A11.
Sullivan, Ann. “Doctor Links Virus to Skin Cancer.” The Sunday Oregonian. February 14, 1982. Sec. 3M.
———. Ann Sullivan, “Human blood cell ‘sorter’ captures medical attention.” The Oregonian. September 23,
Wee, Kelvin. “Couple Seeks to Unite Homeless AIDS, ARC Victims.” Oregon Daily Emerald. Volume 89,
Number 19. September 29, 1987.
Williams, Linda. “City Grants Permit for First Hospice.” The Oregonian. January 19, 1982. Sec. 3M.
Periodicals & Journals
“A Guide to Oregon Adult Foster Homes for Potential Residents (Older Adults or Adults with Physical
Disabilities), Their Family Members and Friends.” (Salem, Oregon: Oregon Department of Human
Services. Aging & People with Disabilities, 03/23), 2.
Blazek, Stephen. Juniper Rag, Number 1, Vol.1, no. Issue 1 (February 27, 1989).
Carder, Paula et al. “2020 Adult Foster Home Resident and Community Characteristics Report on Adult Foster
Homes.” (Portland, Oregon: Portland State University, 2020), 1. Accessed at
“Generations of Pride.” Just Out (June 1, 1991), sec. 8. Accessed at
Krieger, Nancy and Rose Appleman. “The Politics of AIDS.” Institute for Social and Economic Studies.
Oakland, California: Frontline Pamphlets, 1986, 12.
Lynch, Lee. “Marching Home. The Amazon Trail.” Just Out (August 1, 1988), sec. 21.
Mollica, Robert et al. “Adult Foster Care: A Resource for Older Adults.” Rutgers Center for State Health Policy.
The Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research (May 2008). Accessed at https://eadnwc03-
Tatum, Paul E. III et al. “Getting Comfortable with Death: Evolution of the Care of the Dying Patient.” Missouri
Medicine 111, no. 4 (2014): 298–303.
Young, Pat. “History Lesson. The Face of AIDS Has Changed since 1988.” Just Out (March 7, 2003), sec. 26.
Doug Foland’s Personal Archive. Including newspaper clips and other notes about Juniper and Assisi House.
“Adult Foster Home for AIDS/ARC Opens.” 1987.
“AIDS: Close to Home.” VHS. Portland, Oregon: KGW - TV, September 9, 1987.
“Hospice Open In Portland.” May 6, 1987.
“Juniper House Statement of Purpose.” September 1987.
Levet, Boyd A. “Official Letter.” 1987.
“STAT. Third Care Center for Aids Patients Opens.” Oregon Medical Association, September 1988.
Oregon Historical Society Research Library
“AIDS Ads Removed from Tri-Met Buses.” The Oregonian (July 13, 1988), sec. B01. Collection 859.
Box 5. Folder 26.
San Francisco State University.
“Coming Home Hospice for AIDS Patients at 115 Diamond Street - 1990.” Max Kirkeberg Collection,
San Francisco State University. Accessed September 21, 2023,
Government Documents
“Code of Federal Regulations. Title 42 CFR 418.64.” Government, National Archives. Accessed February 12,
2024, https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-42/part-418/subject-group-ECFR35b48a647589673.
Hearing Officers. “Report of Hearing: Conditional Use for a ‘Birthing Home.’” City of Portland. Bureau of
Planning, June 14, 1982. Hearing Office. Bureau of Planning, Portland, Oregon. File No. CU 24-82.
Hearing Officers. “Building Permit Records.” City of Portland. Bureau of Planning, 2012. 1960.
“Portland Historic Landmarks Commission - Juniper House Hearing.” Portland, Oregon. Online via Zoom.,
September 11, 2024. https://efiles.portlandoregon.gov/Record/17001280/.
Morrison, W. Bruce and John A. Trevitt. “Deed: Sale of Property from W. Bruce Morrison to John A. Trevitts.
Lot 4, Block 6, Buckman’s Addition” (Multnomah County Records Office, May 1, 1988), Book 2093,
Page 1585, Multnomah County Records, Portland, Oregon.
Sherfy, Marcella and W. Ray Luce. Guidelines for Evaluating and Nominating Properties that Have Achieved
Significance Within the Past Fifty Years, National Register Bulletin 22. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1979 (rev. 1990, 1996, 1998).
“Zoning Change Request. Petition No. 6172.” Portland City Planning Commission, January 12, 1973. City of
Portland, Building Permit Department.
“Ancestry.com.” Ancestry (2013). Accessed at http://www.ancestry.com/.
“A History of LGBTQ Oregonians and Mental Health.” Northwest LGBTQ History, GLAPN. Gay & Lesbian
Archives of the Pacific Northwest (January 15, 2018). Accessed at
“A Timeline of HIV and AIDS.” Government Website. HIV.Gov, 2023. Accessed at https://www.hiv.gov/hivbasics/
“CAP: Our Story.” Non-Profit Organization, CAP - Cascade AIDS Project (2023). Accessed at
“Harm Reduction Center of Southern Oregon.” Published in 2023. Accessed at https://hivroseburg.org/.
Nguyen, Julian. “HIV + AIDS: AN ORIGIN STORY.” Non-Profit Organization. CAPNW.Org, September 17,
2023. https://www.capnw.org/hiv-aids-an-origin-story.
“Overview of Adult Foster Home Program.” Government website, Oregon Department of Human Services
(2022). Accessed at https://www.oregon.gov/DHS/PROVIDERS-PARTNERS/LICENSING/APDAFH/
“The History of the Quilt.” National AIDS Memorial (2022). Accessed at https://www.aidsmemorial.org/quilthistory.
“Juniper House: In Search of Comfort.” Moving Image. Front Street Weekly Special. Portland, Oregon: Oregon
Public Broadcasting, April 26, 1988. Boston, MA and Washington, DC. The Walter J. Brown Media
Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public
Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress). https://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-526-
Maps & Deeds
1901 Sanborn Fire Map and deed research. “Deed: Lot 4, Block 2, Buckman’s Addition. Book 2228 Page
1696” (Multnomah County Records Office, April 16, 1989), Book 2228 Page 1696, Multnomah County
Records, Portland, Oregon. |