Oregon Historic Sites Database

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Oregon Historic Sites Database

address: historic name:Salem Downtown State Street-Commercial Street Historic District
Salem, Marion County current/other names:Salem Downtown Historic District
assoc addresses:
block/lot/tax lot:
location descr:[District] twnshp/rng/sect/qtr sect:7S 3W 27
resource type:District height (stories): total elig resources:59 total inelig resources:34
elig evaluation: eligible/significant NR Status: Individually Listed
prim constr date:1867 second date:1950 date indiv listed:09/28/2001
primary orig use: COMMERCIAL: General orig use comments:
second orig use: SOCIAL: General
primary style: prim style comments:
secondary style: sec style comments:
primary siding: siding comments:
secondary siding:
plan type: architect:
206 State St (McMahan's Furniture) building had a fire which heavily damaged the adjacent building at 129 Commercial and both were demolished in 2006 (both were non-contributing resources); There are 92 major resources within this district. There are 16 vacant lots, of which 10 are listed. Non-contributing façade removed 6/2006 from 220-230 Liberty Dennison Building which is now the Beanery; status changed to contributing so that makes 61 contributing and 31 non-contributing. The entries for 181-195 High St and 177-189 Liberty each include 2 buildings recorded together as a single building in the nomination and so are listed in the database the same way, reducing the resource total from 92 to 90. Added to the 10 vacant lots, there are 100 resources listed within this district. 11/15/2012: The building at 241 Liberty Street NE was listed as one non-contributing building until the removal of the blue metal façade which revealed that there were two separate buildings underneath which were then evaluated as contributing. That brings the number of resources back up to 92, with 59 contributing and 33 non-contributing. JES The building at 440 State received a Diamonds in the Rough (Preserving Oregon) grant to remove non-contributing façade, do repairs and repaint in summer 2012. The status of the building was changed to contributing with 60 contributing and 32 non-contributing. 3/10/2014: 466 Court is listed in nomination as part of 185-195 High Street, Odd Fellows Building but is owned seperately. JES 4/26/18 Additional documentation approved. 260 Liberty Street changed from contributing to non-contributing. 440 State Street change from non-contributing to contributing. 241 Liberty Street changed from non-contributing to contributing. 255 Liberty Street added as contributing. Contributing resources for the district changes from 57 to 59, and the total number of non-contributing properties changes from 35 to 34. The total number of properties within the district changes from 92 to 93. TZ
Survey/Grouping Included In: Type of Grouping Date Listed Date Compiled
   Salem Downtown State Street-Commercial Street Historic District Listed Historic District 09/28/2001 2001
NR date listed: 09/28/2001
ILS survey date:
RLS survey date:
106 Project(s)
SHPO Case Date Agency Effect Eval
01/27/2004 No Adverse Effect
Special Assess Project(s): None
Federal Tax Project(s): None
(Includes expanded description of the building/property, setting, significant landscape features, outbuildings and alterations)
Refer to scanned documents links.
(Chronological, descriptive history of the property from its construction through at least the historic period - preferably to the present)
Refer to scanned documents links.
Title Records Census Records Property Tax Records Local Histories
Sanborn Maps Biographical Sources SHPO Files Interviews
Obituaries Newspapers State Archives Historic Photographs
City Directories Building Permits State Library
Local Library: University Library:
Historical Society: Other Respository: