Group Name:
1991 Eugene Downtown Cultural Resources Survey
2009 Santiam-Albany Canal Adjacent Properties RLS
2014 St Helens Downtown Historic District Re-survey
2015 Oregon Armories SRLS
2015 St Paul HD Resurvey and Additional RLS
2016 Brownlee and Oxbow Villages Resurvey RLS
2016 Dayton MRA Resurvey
2018 Independence ILS
2018 Sheridan Downtown RLS
2019 Lincoln City Main Street RLS
2019 Portland Montavilla Neighborhood RLS
2019 Redmond Residential MPD Survey SRLS
2019 Warrenton Main Street RLS
2020 Diamond Lake Recreational Residence Tract Resurvey
2020 Fish Lake Recreational Cabin Tract RLS
2020 Lake of the Woods Resurvey
2020 Recreation Creek Recreational Residence Tract Survey
2022 Eugene Duplexes SRLS
2022 Redmond Resurvey
2023 Condon Main Street RLS
2023 Fossil MS RLS
2023 Mitchell Main Street RLS
African American Resources in Portland, Oregon from 1851 to ...
African Americans in Oregon, 2014
Albany Downtown Commercial Historic District
Albany Monteith Historic District - Boundary Expansion
Albany Municipal Airport Historic District
Albany Post-War RLS 2011
Albany Research Center
Alphabet Historic District
Amazon Family Housing Complex (Delisted 10/96)
Amity Downtown RLS 2011
Antelope Selective RLS 2011
Anthony Lakes Potential Historic District
Architecture of Ellis F. Lawrence MPD
Ashland Downtown Historic District
Ashland North Recon Level Survey 2006
Ashland Railroad Addition Historic District
Astoria Adair-Uppertown RLS 2013
Astoria Downtown Historic District (1883-1947)
Astoria Resurvey & Fort Hill Historic Inventory Re-Evaluatio...
Athena-Holdman Hwy (Hwy #334) RLS 2011
Aurora Colony Historic District
Aurora Colony Historic District RLS 2011
Aurora Water Tower Survey
Avery-Helm Historic District
Baimbridge-Kanipe Farmstead Historic District
Baker City RLS 2011
Baker Historic District
Barlow Road Historic District
Barns of Gilliam County
Barns of Linn County, Oregon, 1846-1946 MPD
Beaver Army Terminal
Beaverton Burntwood Survey
Beaverton Downtown Historic District
Bend West Side Survey and Outliers
Bend Westside & Outliers Phase II RLS 2020
Benton County Mid-20th Century Schools 2011
Benton County RLS Survey 2009
Berkeley Park Addition and Westmoreland School 106 RLS
Bethel Neighborhood Selective RLS
Big Lake Youth Camp
Birch Creek Ranch Historic Rural Landscape
Black Historic Resources in Oregon, 1788-2002
Blue Heron Mill Site
Bly Ranger Station
Bohmann Park RLS 2012
Bonanza Main Street RLS
Bonneville Dam Historic District (NHL)
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Adair Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Albany Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Alston Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Alvey Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Bandon Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Big Eddy Substation - ...
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Burnt Woods Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Chemawa Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Chenoweth Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) De Moss Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Detroit Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Drain Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Driscoll Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Eugene Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Fairview Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Forest Grove Substatio...
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Fossil Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Gardiner Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Grizzly Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Harrisburg Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Hat Rock Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Hauser Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Hood River Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Ione Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) John Day Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Keeler Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) La Grande Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Lane Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Langlois Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Lebanon Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Lookingglass Substatio...
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Lookout Point Substati...
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Malin Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Mapleton Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Marion Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Master Grid Substation...
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Maupin Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) McMinnville Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) McNary Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Milton Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Monmouth Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Norway Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Oregon City Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Ostrander Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Pearl Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Pendleton Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Port Orford Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Redmond Substation and...
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Reedsport Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Reston Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Roundup Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Salem Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Santiam Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) St. Johns Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) System Expansion Subst...
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Tahkenitch Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) The Dalles Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Timber Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Toledo Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Troutdale Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Walton Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Wendson Substation
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Wren Substation
Bonneville Power Adminstration Pacific Northwest Transmissio...
BPA Keeler Substation Historic Study
Brookings RLS Survey 2017
Buckhorn Mineral Springs Resort
Buckman Neighborhood RLS 2010
Burns Downtown RLS 2012
Camp White-VA Survey 2007
Camp Withycombe
Canby ILS 2016
Canby Main Street RLS 2009
Canby RLS 2016
Canby RLS 2021
Canemah Historic District
Canemah Historic District RLS Survey Update
Cant, James, Ranch Historic District
Canyon City Downtown RLS 2010
Canyon City RLS 2011
Canyonville Main Street RLS
Carey and Reclamation Acts Irrigation Projects in Oregon, 19...
Carlton Main Street RLS
Cemeteries of the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua,...
Ceremonial Stacked Rock Features of the Klamath Tribes Cultu...
Champoeg State Park
Champoeg State Park Historic Archeological District
City of Echo and The Meadows Historic Resources MPD
City of La Grande Survey Project
Clackamas County Fairgrounds RLS 2021
Clackamas County Historic Landmarks
Clackamas County Trolley Line ILS 2008
Clackamas Heights Housing Authority
Clackamas Lake Ranger Station Historic District
Clackamas River Hydroelectric Project
Clark Historic District
Clear Lake Survey 2010
Cloud Cap-Tilly Jane Rec Area Historic District
Coburg Historic District
Coburg Historic District RLS Resurvey 2008
College Hill West Historic District
College Hill West Nomination Survey
Columbia County Survey
Columbia River Highway Historic District (NHL)
Condon Commercial Historic District
Coos Bay Historic Downtown RLS 2011
Coquille Historic Resources MPD
Corby Street Neighborhood
Cornelius Pass Road - W Baseline Road to NW Aloclek Drive
Corvallis Avery Addition Neighborhood Survey 2012
Corvallis Central Multiple Neighborhoods Survey 2012
Corvallis Chintimini Neighborhood Survey 2012
Corvallis Downtown Historic District
Corvallis Downtown North Neighborhood Survey 2012
Corvallis Harding Neighborhood Survey 2012
Corvallis Intensive Survey
Corvallis Jana Neighborhood Survey 2012
Corvallis Jana North Neighborhood Survey 2012
Corvallis North Central Park Neighborhood Survey 2012
Corvallis North College Hill Neighborhood Survey 2012
Corvallis Selective Survey
Corvallis South Central Park Neighborhood RLS 2012
Corvallis South Western Neighborhood Survey 2012
Cottage Grove Citywide RLS, 2009
Cottage Grove Downtown Commercial Historic District
Cottage Grove--NW Neighborhood (McFarland's Addn)
Court Street-Chemeketa Street Historic District
Cox Creek-UPRR Track Spur
Craftsman Bungalows In Deschutes County MPD
Craftsman Bungalows of Redmond
Crescent Lake Townsite
CTUIR Mission RLS Survey
Dallas Downtown Historic District
Dallas Downtown RLS 2014
Dallas Downtown RLS 2019
Depot Street Bridge/South Rogue River Area
Depression-Era Buildings
Deschutes County Redmond Survey
Deschutes National Forest
Deschutes National Forest Recreation Cabin Tract Survey
Dorris Ranch Historic District
Double-O Ranch Site Historic District
Douglas County Revised Survey
Douglas County RLS Survey 2008
Douglas County, Anlauf Rawland, Buck Creek Area
Drake Park Neighborhood Historic District
Dundee Downtown RLS, 2012
Eagle Point Survey Update 2019
Early French-Canadian Settlement, Marion County, Oregon MPD
East Abert Lake Archeological District
East Portland Grand Avenue Historic District
East Portland Grand Avenue Historic District - Boundary Incr...
East Portland Modern Selective Recon Survey 2011
East Skinner Butte Historic District
Eastern Oregon University Survey
Eastmoreland Historic District
Eastmoreland RLS 2016
Elgin Historic District
Ellis Lawrence Building Survey
Estacada Main Street RLS
Eugene - 1880 W 11th Ave RLS 2008
Eugene Blair Boulevard Commercial Historic District
Eugene Cultural Resource Inventory--1996
Eugene Fairmount Neighborhood Survey
Eugene River Road Survey
Eugene West Broadway Redevelopment Area, 2007 RLS
Eugene West University Neighborhood Cultural Resources Surve...
Eugene West University Neighborhood Historic and Architectur...
Eugene Westside & Jefferson Survey
Eugene Westside Survey Completion
Fairmount Historic District
Fairmount Survey Area
Falls City Historic Inventory
Fire Lookouts and Associated Structures in the Umatilla Nati...
Fitch, Charles C, Farmstead
Florence Downtown Core RLS, 2015
Florence Old Town RLS Survey, August 2015
Forest Grove 1998 Recon Survey
Forest Grove Downtown Historic District
Forest Grove Inventory
Forest Grove Original Town Plat Resurvey 2017
Forest Grove Southside ILS 2007
Forest Grove Southside Survey
Forest Grove Survey Additions
Fossil Historic Downtown RLS 2011
Fremont National Forest
Fremont Powerhouse
Gaiety Hill/Bush's Pasture Park Historic District
Gardiner Historic District
Gatch Street Neighborhood
Gearhart Historic Inventory
Gladstone Main Street RLS
Glenwood RLS 2010
Gold Beach RLS August 2017
Golden Historic District
Grants Pass Central Business District-2015 Resurvey/Expansio...
Grants Pass G Street Historic District
Grants Pass G Street Historic District, RLS Resurvey 2014
Grass Valley Main Street RLS
Gresham 2016-Mt. Hood Neighborhood Selective RLS
Gresham 2020 Centennial Neighborhood Selective RLS
Gresham 2020 Rockwood Neighborhood Selective RLS
Gresham Northwest Neighborhood RLS 2012
Gresham Northwest Neighborhood RLS 2014
Gresham/Pleasant Valley 2005 RLS
Gresham/Springwater 2005 RLS
Gresham-2016-Kelly Creek Neighborhood Selective RLS
Grist Mills
Hackleman Historic District
Halprin Open Space Sequence Historic District
Hanley, Michael, Farmstead
Hawthorne Boulevard
Hawthorne Dist - SE 20th-34th & 39th-55th Avenues
Hells Canyon Archeological District
Hells Canyon Complex Historic Buildings Reconnaissance Surve...
Heppner - Court Str Improvement Project, ODOT Key 14677
Hillcrest Orchard Historic District
Hillsboro Cultural Resource Inventory Update 2013
Hillsboro Local Inventory Update 2008
Historic and Architectural Properties in Hollywood's Histori...
Historic and Architectural Properties in the Early Kenton Ne...
Historic and Architectural Properties in the Eliot Neighborh...
Historic and Architectural Resources of Nyssa, Oregon MPD
Historic Architecture in Silverton, Oregon and its Environs ...
Historic Cemeteries Of Ashland, Oregon & Environs 1851-1925 ...
Historic Development of The Bend Company in Bend, Oregon MPD
Historic Downtown Area of Stayton MPD
Historic Highway Bridges And Tunnels In Washington
Historic Highway Bridges of Oregon MPD
Historic Recreational Residences of Seaside, Oregon MPD
Historic Residential Resources of Redmond, Oregon MPD
Historic Residential Suburbs in the United States, 1830-1960
Historic Resources in Downtown Portland, Oregon, MPD
Historic Resources of Crater Lake National Park MPD
Historic Resources of Downtown Enterprise, 1888-1956 MPD
Historically and Architecturally Significant Properties in D...
Honeyman, Jessie M, State Park Historic District
Hood River Heights ILS
Hood River Heights Neighborhood RLS
Hull, Ralph, Lumber Company Mill Complex
Idaho Power Line 216 Rebuild RLS
Imperial Stock Ranch Headquarters Complex
Independence Historic District
IOOF Bend Lodge #218, Organization Camp, Paulina Lake
Irvington Historic District
Jacksonville Historic District (NHL)
Jacksonville Historic District Resurvey 2011
Jacksonville Survey Update 1999
Jefferson Downtown RLS
Jefferson SRLS 2016
Jewish History Sites
John Day Downtown RLS 2011
Jordan Valley Stonemasonry Structures
Joseph Downtown RLS 2014
Kent RLS 2014
Kenton Commercial Historic District
King's Hill Historic District
Kingsley Field Naval Air Station, Klamath Falls
Kingsley Field, Air National Guard Base RLS 2011
Klamath Falls Downtown RLS, February 2016
La Grande Commercial Historic District
La Pine Historic Inventory
Ladd's Addition Historic District
Lake Of The Woods Ranger Station (Work Center)
Lake Oswego 19th Century Iron Industry ILS 2008
Lake Oswego Historic Survey and Inventory 2009-2010
Lake Oswego ILS 2011-2012
Lake Oswego ILS 2016
Lake Oswego Intensive Level Survey 2009
Lake Oswego Modern Period Selective RLS 2012
Lake Oswego to Portland Transit Project, RLS 2010
Lakeside Resorts on the Cascade Lakes Highway, Deschutes Co....
Lakeview Downtown Standard RLS 2016
Lakeview Historic District
Landmarks Oregon City ILS 2011
Lane County Grange Halls_2008
Laurelhurst Historic District
Laurelhurst RLS 2018
Laurelwood Historic District
Leaburg Powerhouse Complex
Lebanon Downtown RLS 2013
Lebanon Main Street Historic District
Lebanon Water Tank Survey
LGBTQIA+ Historic Properties in Oregon
Lick Creek Guard Station
Lighthouse Stations Of Oregon MPD
Lincoln Street Neighborhood
Linn County Settlement Era Survey
Lithia Park
Lostine Downtown RLS 2014
Lower Columbia River Hwy Bridges
Maddock Corner-Lakeview & Lake County Bridges
Malheur National Forest
Malheur National Forest Administrative Buildings Survey
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
Marion Co Cultural Resources Survey
Marshfield's South Fifth Street Historic District
Marylhurst College (Marylhurst University)
Maupin - US 197: Burnham - 3rd
McCullough, C.B., Major Oregon Coast Highway Bridges, 1927-1...
McKenzie Fish Hatchery, Old
Mckenzie Highway Historic District
McMinnville Downtown Historic District
McMinnville ILS 2018
McMinnville RLS 2010
McMinnville RLS 2020
McMinnville UGB RLS 2021
Medford Downtown Historic District
Medford Geneva-Minnesota Historic District
Medford IOOF Cemetery
Medford Summit Fairmount Neighborhoods RLS 2013
Middle Class Apartment Buildings in East Portland MPD
Mill Creek Correctional Facility
Mill-Pine Neighborhood Historic District
Mill-Pine Neighborhood Historic District (Boundary Decrease)
Milton-Freewater Downtown RLS
Milwaukie Main Street RLS
Mining Resources of the Upper Illinois Valley Oregon MPD
Mission Mill Museum
Mitchell Main Street RLS
Molalla Main Street RLS
Monmouth Selective RLS 2013
Monmouth Selective RLS 2016
Monmouth Selective Survey 2010
Monmouth Survey 2011
Monteith Historic District
Moro Downtown RLS 2011
Mosier Main Street RLS
Mount Tabor Park Reservoirs Historic District
Moyer, C E, Nurseries Property
Mt Hood National Forest
Mt Hood National Forest, Camp Creek Summer Home Tract RLS, 2...
Mt Hood Railroad Linear Historic District
Munson Valley Historic District
MyrtlePoint Downtown RLS 2014
Native American Archaeological Sites of the Oregon Coast MPD
Nehalem Highway Corridor Study
Newberg Downtown RLS 2013
Newberg Downtown RLS 2016
Newberg-Dundee Transportation Improvement Project
Newport Deco District
North Albany Park and Ride
North Bend Historic Downtown RLS 2011
North Bend RLS Survey
North Buckman Historic District
North College Hill Historic District
North Mall Heritage Park
North Powder Downtown RLS 2010
North Umpqua Hydroelectric Project
North Unit Irrigation District
Nyssa Downtown RLS 2013
Oak Hills Historic District
Oak Hills Neighborhood RLS 2011
Oakland Historic District
Oakridge Main Street RLS
Ochoco National Forest
ODOT Willamette River Crossing Survey
ODOT: OR213 @ Mulino Road
ODOT13260 3rd & Denver (Turner)
Old Town Historic District
Olsen Fields RLS
Ontario Main Street RLS July 2015
Oregon Caves Historic District
Oregon City Central Business District Resurvey 2009
Oregon City Main Street RLS
Oregon City McLoughlin District Re-Survey
Oregon City RLS 2011
Oregon Covered Bridges (TR)
Oregon Highway Tunnels
Oregon Historic Wooden Carousels (TR)
Oregon Methodist Mission Sites: 1834-1847
Oregon National Guard Armories, 1888-1978 MPD
Oregon New Deal Resources from the PWA or WPA, 1933-1943 MPD
Oregon Pacific Railroad Linear Historic District
Oregon School for the Blind Section 106 RLS 2009
Oregon State Hospital Historic District
Oregon State Hospital Historic District (Boundary Decrease)
Oregon State Parks - Heritage Parks
Oregon State University (OSU) Buildings in Oregon
Oregon State University Historic District
Oregon Trail
Oregon Trail Historic District
Oregon's National Guard Armories, 1911-1957
Orenco RLS 2009
Owyhee Dam Historic District
Painter's Woods Historic District
Peacock Lane Historic District
Phoenix Selective RLS 2013
Pilot Butte Canal Historic District
Pilot Butte Canal: Downtown Redmond Segment Historic Distric...
Pilot Rock Main Street RLS
Pipes, Wade, Residences For John And Elizabeth Bates MPD
Port of Tillamook Bay
Port Orford Coast Guard Station
Portland - Milwaukie Light Rail 2
Portland - Milwaukie LRT
Portland - Peacock Lane RLS 2016
Portland Central City Modern Resources RLS 1945-1985
Portland Division Transit Project 2018
Portland Downtown Glazed Terra Cotta Buildings
Portland New Chinatown/Japantown Historic District
Portland North and Eastside Selective RLS 2013, Unreinforced...
Portland Oregon's Eastside Historic and Architectural Resour...
Portland Parks ILS 2006
Portland Public Schools - Outer East Side
Portland Public Schools Historic Building Assessment
Portland Public Works and Parks RLS 1985
Portland Skidmore/Old Town Historic District (NHL)
Portland Thirteenth Avenue Historic District
Portland Yamhill Historic District
Post 1945 Highway Bridges in Oregon, Selective RLS 2013
Prairie City Historic Downtown RLS 2011
Prospect Hydroelectric Project
PSU RLS 2020
Public Housing in the United States, MPS
PWA Buildings and Structures (Public Works Administration)
Rager Ranger Station
Redmond 2021 Resurvey
Redmond Downtown Historic District
Redmond Downtown RLS & ILS 2015
Reedsport Main Street RLS
Residential Architecture of Eugene, Oregon, 1850-1950 MPD
Richland Downtown RLS 2005
Riddle Ranch
Rim Drive Historic District
Rim Village Historic District
Rocky Butte Scenic Drive Historic District
Rogue River National Forest
Rogue River Ranch
Roseburg Downtown Historic District
Salem -- Moved Capitol Mall Buildings
Salem Downtown State Street-Commercial Street Historic Distr...
Salem Inventory Update RLS 2009
Salem The Oaks 2006 RLS
Salem--Boise's 2nd Addn RLS
Salem--Oak St/Trade
Salem--Saginaw Neighborhood
Sandy Main Street RLS 2009
Santiam Wagon Road
SE Byers Avenue Historic District
Settlemeir Street Neighborhood
Settlement and Abandonment of the Crooked River Grasslands, ...
Settlement-era Dwellings, Barns & Farm Groups of the Willame...
Settlement-era Dwellings, Barns and Farm Groups of the Willa...
Shaniko Historic District
Sherwood Old Town RLS 2011
Shively-McClure Historic District
Significant US Post Offices In Oregon -- 1900-1941 (TR)
Silver Creek Youthcamp Historic District, Silver Falls State...
Silver Falls State Park Concession Bldg Area Historic Distri...
Silverton - Coolidge Neighborhood
Silverton 2010 MPD Selective RLS
Silverton Commercial Historic District
Silverton Historic Inventory
Siskiyou National Forest
Siskiyou Smokejumper Base
Siskiyou-Hargadine Historic District
Sisters City RLS 2018
Sisters Historic Survey, 2002
Siuslaw National Forest
Skidmore Academy Historic District
South Main Street Commercial Historic District
South Oakdale Historic District
South Portland Historic District
South Santiam Salmon Hatchery RLS
South University Historic District
Speculative Homebuilding in East Portland, Oregon, 1891-1940
Springfield Downtown Reconnaissance Survey, Glenwood Windshi...
Springfield Mohawk Neighborhood RLS 2009
Springfield Selective RLS 2014
Springfield Willamette Heights RLS 2012
St Helens Downtown Historic District
St Paul Historic District
Statewide Steel Truss Bridge RLS 2013
Stayton Historic Downtown RLS 2011
Stephens Community Historic District
Still Creek Summer Home Tract
Sublimity RLS
Summer Lake Wildlife Area
Sumpter Downtown Selective RLS 2011
Sumpter Valley Railway Historic District
Sunrise Project: I-205 to Rock Creek Junction (Hwy 212/224)
SW Boones Ferry Rd- SW Norwood Rd to SW Day Rd Survey 2011
Swalley Canal Historic District
Taylor Process Hollow Concrete Wall Construction in Forest G...
The Architecture of Donald J. Stewart in Washington and Oreg...
The Blodgett Tract MPD
The City Beautiful Movement And Civic Planning In Portland, ...
The Dalles Commercial Historic District
The Moderne Movement in Redmond, Oregon
The Oregon Trail, Oregon, 1840 to 1880
Tillamook Downtown RLS July2014
Tillamook Naval Air Station Historic District
Tillamook State Forest
Toledo Main Street RLS
Trevitt's Addition Historic District
Turner Historical Survey
U.S. Forest Service Historic Structures on the Rogue River N...
U.S. Government Lifesaving Stations, Houses of Refuge, and p...
U.S. Post Office Facilities in Oregon, 1940-1971
Umatilla Chemical Depot
Umatilla National Forest
Umatilla Project East Division Irrigation System
Umpqua National Forest
Union Creek Historic District
Union Main Street Historic District
Uniontown-Alameda Historic District
United States Coast Guard Station Tillamook Bay
United States Second Generation Veterans Hospitals
University of Portland
US Spruce Production Railroad XII, Spur 5
USCG Chetco River Cedar Street Complex
USCG Coos Bay Charleston Apartments
USCG Yaquina Bay Family Housing Complex
USDA Forest Service Administrative Buildings in the State of...
Vale Commercial Historic District
Vista Hills RLS 2012
Walker Naylor Historic District
Walker Naylor RLS Update
Wallowa Downtown RLS 2014
Wallowa Falls Hydroelectric Project RLS 2012
Wallowa Falls Tailrace Reroute RLS 2013
Wallowa Ranger Station
Wallowa-Enterprise RLS 08
Wallowa-Whitman National Forest
Walnut Park 2017 RLS
Warner Pacific University
Washburne Historic District
Washburne Historic District Resurvey 2023
Washington Forest Grove RLS 2005
Washington Park Reservoirs Historic District
West Grants Pass - Rogue River Highway
West Linn - Bolton Neighborhood RLS 2010
West Linn - Buck Street Neighborhood RLS 2008
West Linn - Sunset Neighborhood RLS 2010
West Linn RLS 2008
West Linn Selective RLS 2011
West Linn Survey- Willamette Conservation District
West Linn Survey-Bolton/Holly Grove Conservation District
West Linn, Willamette Falls Neighborhood, RLS 2008
Weston Commercial Historic District
Wichita Area Neighborhood
Willakenzie Road Selective RLS Survey
Willamette Historic District
Willamette National Forest
Willamette River Highway Bridges of Portland, OR MPD
William L Finley National Wildlife Refuge
Wilson, William T E, Homestead
Winema National Forest
Women's History Sites
Woodburn Downtown RLS 2014
WPA Structures (Works Progress Administration)
Young Street Neighborhood